Sunday, March 14, 2010

Evaluating Your Fitness

It is recommended that each day a teen should be getting at least 60 minutes of physcial activity. This is difficult for teens today to accomplish because of video games, computers, television, and lack of motivation. The following website is a great site for teens to go to and read various articles about teen health and what they could do o improve their fitness. There are many things on this site you do not want to miss so look throughout the site very carefully.

Link to Kids Health:

Educating Ourselves on Our Obese Nation

The following video is Jaime Oliver, a cheif, that has a passion to educate the younger generation on how to prepare food. Our kids are growing up in a nation that lives off fast food and where their parents don't know how to prepare a dinner that is not from a box (processed foods). They live in a nation where the top 3 causes of death are due to obesity. Oliver is very passionate about making a change in America starting with the young ones. In this video Jamie shares his ideas of what could help America over come its obesity issues.

If you would like to find out more information about Jamie Oliver's wish or just about him got to the following website: